Sie sind hier: Startseite Projekte Alcatel - Lucent Chronik 2009 Juni 18 Death by a Thousand Cuts

Death by a Thousand Cuts

von Alcatel-Lucent — Letzte Änderung 18.06.2009 02:00
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Today, June 18th 2009, the European Works Council (ECID) was called to an extra-ordinary meeting in Paris. As one can expect, they were not called to hear good news ... Here are a few short notes direct from the meeting itself


1022 employees worldwide will be outsourced to Hewlett Packard. The country breakdown:

  • F: 206,
  • D: 114,
  • USA 497,
  • Benelux: 18.

ALU's spin on the outsourcing: HP and Alcatel-Lucent to form Global Alliance

"Mature" products:

591 employees worldwide to be outsourced. A number of products affected.

In Germany, the products S12 and MGC. 72 employees in total.

Who the products will be outsourced to is still unclear. A number of Indian companies are in the running.

Shared Service Centres

587 employees to be outsourced. 400 from Romania.

Payroll and Time Mgt

58 employees, none from Germany

Strike in Lanninion

And one piece of news from France. Lanninion was on strike today ... Details soon.

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