Aktuelles und Chronik.
Eindrücke von der Demo in Paris by Alcatel-Lucent — posted on 17.03.2007 11:27 — 0 comment(s) —
Der Platz vor der Pariser Börse war zu klein für die vielen Demonstranten aus einigen Ländern und französischen Regionen. Ungestört verlief der Zug bis fast zum Alcatel-Lucent Hauptquartier
Eine bunte, dem Ernst der 12 500 Entlassungen angemessene Demo entlang der Pariser Einkaufstraße verlief ohne Störungen. Sprache war kein Problem unter dem Demonstranten und mit vielen Passanten, die interessiert zusahen oder auch mitgingen. Vieles konnte man mit Gesten ohne Worte miteinander austauschen und so voneinander lernen, wie man sich bisher vereinzelt gegen die Entlassungen gewehrt hat.
An dieser Großdemo machten die einzelnen Teilnehmergruppen deutlich, wo das Problem ist, beim Management und nicht in einem anderen Werk.
Die Demonstranten wollen nicht länger als einzelne Gruppen gegeneinander ausgespielt werden, wie es derzeit ein anderen Management bei EADS ebenso versucht.
Noch sind Einzelaktionen wichtig, Angekommen kurz vor dem Hauptgebäude stellen sich aber noch viele andere Fragen, wie es nun weitergeht.
Vom Alcatel-Lucent Management, das sich mit Polizeisperren schützen lassen mußte, war natürlich niemand zu sehen oder bereit zu erklären, wie die mehrfach von Rednern wiederholten Fehler zustande kamen oder wie sie bereinigt werden können.
Das ist der Demonstration auch gelungen zu zeigen, daß Manager mit der eigenen Belegschaft nicht mehr reden, nachdem unseelige Entlassungsbeschlüsse verkündet wurden. Es wäre ja nicht nur besser, sie wären nie gefallen, erst recht nicht die Versuche, die Entlassungszahlen nach einem Quartalsbericht auch noch fast zu verdoppeln.
Was macht man nun mit einem unfähigen Management? Darüber müssen die Demonstranten mit ihren Gewerkschaften und Interessenvertretern nun beraten. Regierungen werden abgewählt. Doch bei Managern steht das Geld hinter ihnen. Wenn sie aber weiter den Unsinn von Wachstum mit Entlassungen vertreten wollen, sind intelligente neue Wege zu suchen, um sich von den Stümpern im Management zu befreien.
Int. Alcatel-Lucent demonstration in Paris: 4000 Marched against Redundancies by Alcatel-Lucent — posted on 15.03.2007 19:47 — 2 comment(s) —
The demonstration was colourful, loud, and multinational. About 4000 colleagues and family members took part.
We came from far and wide to this demonstration. The Spanish flew in. For many it was a long trip, some having to travel through the night.
We assembled at the French Stock Exchange. We didn't come to buy or sell shares, we came to protest and the protest was loud. Whistles and crackers were some of the things heard. First there were various speeches in French and German. Then the march begun.
We marched more or less by nation and union. There were flags from the different unions and many homemade banners or posters were to be seen. There were so many that it was difficult to register them all. There was also one couple dressed up to symbolise the marriage of Alcatel and Lucent and were met with a lot of laughter.
We caused chaos on the streets of Paris. In the radio they said that parts of the city would be blocked for over four hours. All along the route people came out to watch the demonstration from their window or from the street. A number even waved or cheered us on. A heartening experience.
It took about two hours for us to complete the 3km route to the Alcatel-Lucent headquarters. Well, not quite. The march was not allowed to end in front of the headquarters, apparently because opposite it is the the building of a conservative French party, the UPM.
The way was blocked by a fence, with police and their vans behind it.
At the end of the demonstration there were a large number of speeches. Far too many were in French. None of them were translated. A few were held in other languages and they made life a little less boring for those who did not understand French.
The demonstrators were in a good mood and cheered the speakers – whether they understood them or not. The colleagues from Rennes even began to sing as the generator for the amplifier ran out of petrol. It was a welcome interlude and surprising that they could be so cheerful considering the fact that their locations are planned to be closed.
A long day ended with many either going back to their buses for the trip home or sitting outside one of the many bars sipping beer and discussing what they had experienced. More personal reports will follow – along with an awful lot more pictures.
Update, March 18th: A collection of videos can be found at the French Alcatel-Lucent rank-and-file sites Notre Avenir ist ici and Plan Social Alcatel Lucent .
See more fotos from demonstration here
Alcatel-Lucent Union Busters in USA by Alcatel-Lucent — posted on 14.03.2007 19:20 — 0 comment(s) —
More detailed information from the dark side of Alcatel-Lucent and solidarity greetings from the other side of the Pond.
Union Buster - the dark side of Alcatel-Lucent?
A news report of the Communication Workers of Amercia includes details of the unfair union buster activities of Alcatel-Lucent Management towards our american colleagues. It seems to be, that the company want to take the oppotunity of the merger to get rid off as many as possible of the 2500 unionized workers in the States.
Also here in Europe we heart from sources connect to management, that they want to "get rid of old habits". This leads to an open question, if the "obvious lies of Alcatel-Lucent" reported by CWA Vice President Ralph Maly in his Solidarity Greetings are part of a more general union buster strategy?
However, there is a famous poem in german stating "If the night darkness hit it's peak, the morning light is near". While union busting and destruction of workforce, lifes and companies future seems to reach new peaks under famous Miss Management, light and hope might be near.
Let's put the title of the CWA news "Worldwide Solidarity: Workers Protest Alcatel Lucent Job Cuts" in reality - tomorrow at the international demonstration in Paris and afterwards in common activities aroung the globe.
Report on the National Strikes at Alcatel-Lucent in France on March 9th by Alcatel-Lucent — posted on 14.03.2007 08:39 — 0 comment(s) —
Little information trickles out on what our French colleagues are currently doing. Fortunately, a French coresspondent sent the following report.
In fact we have strikes almost twice each week. But last week, Friday, a national one was done.
Lannion : In the morning, the site was blocked by employees. No car can go in but walking people were able to. Only a very few go to work on this morning. Some students from the IUT came to support us. Some profile boards were installed in front of Alcatel logo to symbolise the fired people.
Orvault : Strike in the afternoon, 218 wood people were installed just in front of the site direction. Some graves for the employees motivation were also set up.
Rennes : 2 sites will be closed (St Gregoire & Cesson). But there is a building in construction for them. So they moved to it with their computers. This ended by a cookout.
Villarceaux : More than 1000 persons from the all Ile-de-France (region around Paris) go to this site. They do some painted people on the floor, still representing the fired
For more informations and pictures (in French) you can go to my blog I also link some pages from a French union with a lot more pictures.
Censorship in Alcatel-Lucent by Alcatel-Lucent — posted on 07.03.2007 12:35 — 0 comment(s) —
Although the question of censorship in a company is never far away, a pattern of censorship is emerging with Alcatel-Lucent which is more than worrying and needs to be combated.
One of the rights one over the years in parts of Europe is the right of workers' representatives to make their views known to the workforce. Before the days of the intranet this usually took the form of notice boards and the distribution of leaflets. In the last few years this has changed. Especially works councils and sometimes unions have won the right to directly address the workforce on the intranet.
Up to a certain extent this practice has been tolerated by management. In times of crisis their attitude can change very rapidly. This is the case at Alcatel-Lucent.
- In France, management threatened to close down the site of the European Works Council for the use of the following logo as part of the preparation for the international demonstration on March 15th.
- In the Netherlands, communications by the works council cannot be put up on the intranet without management's approval.
- In Belgium, management has refused for the last six years to have a "union corner" on the local web server and the usage of the mail server by the union is also not possible.
All these examples show how management are unable to deal with critical voices. All the talk about social and corporate responsibility disappear in a cloud of smoke when the going gets tough. Democracy? Dissent? Yes, but not after you enter the company premises. This is another aspect of the dark side of Alcatel-Lucent.
So what can and should be done? In the above cases, the information has been moved or presented on external web servers on the Internet or sent in the form of mass mails. Be that as it may, this is not enough. Censorship has to be fought. Companies who practice it must be made public, both within the company and outside of it. It has to be made known and the companies forced to allow the same right to communicate and dissent as they have in the society in which they are based. Democracy cannot end at the factory gate.
»Mit diesem Ergebnis ist es dem Betriebsrat in enger Zusammenarbeit mit der IG Metall gelungen, für die Kolleginnen und Kollegen eine Perspektive zu erreichen«, erklärt der Gesamtbetriebsratsvorsitzende Harald Kalmbach."
Habe ich da was nicht verstanden?