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The Galley

erstellt von oops zuletzt verändert: 09.07.2010 23:52
Welcome on board! You have just come aboard the Galley, a website from UPS employees in Germany. Our aim is to enable and support rank and file communication and networking. We also make public what we are doing and what is going on at UPS. It is a globally operating company using more or less uniform methods. The problems we face are therefore the same or similar the world over. Isn´t it time to stand up together and fight for dignity in the workplace, for safe jobs that we can not only live from but also with?! UPS management tells us that "integrity matters". It also says that it wants to comply with legal regulations, current contracts and conform to its own standards. They obviously need a little help from us to get there. Let´s synchronise the world of solidarity at UPS!



What´s new?

UPS Turkey: ITF condemns shootings and further layoffs in UPS Turkey dispute

Alternative ERI 2009 - The slightly different survey on UPS`s employee relations

Unite at UPS - New web-site for UPS workers in the UK. The site is designed to provide both information and a communication platform for activists and members. Forums on the site will allow members to communicate with each other and discuss matters which concern them at work. It will enable activists to take up those issues. The potential is enormous.

Alternative ERI 2007: The Results

UPS in Germany

UPS Germany, the Union and Works Councils

Some Facts and Numbers on UPS Germany

German Sites

UPS in General

UPS Turkey: ITF condemns shootings and further layoffs in UPS Turkey dispute

UPS to pay $6 million to delivery truck driver over firing for being injury repeater

Inside UPS. A Worker's Report from the US


Our Union - ver.di

ver.di, a multi-service trade union
A short introduction


Visit our German Homepage

Die Galeere

« Mai 2021 »