Raus mit dem FLOP Managemenet....
erstellt von Anonymous User
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19.04.2016 15:12
Zurück zu NSN/Nokia Siemens Networks

Wie es aussieht werden unser Mütter (Siemens und Nokia) nur zu schauen wie das TOP (FLOP) Managemenet von NSN uns MA zur Schlachtbank führt. Also wenn es die Mütter nicht machen wollen, sollten wir MA, zur Rettung unserer Arbeitsplätze bei NSN, das Flop Management rausschmeisen. Denn nur dann haben wir ein Chance!!
Anonymous hat geschrieben:
Wie es aussieht werden unser Mütter (Siemens und Nokia) nur zu schauen wie das TOP (FLOP) Managemenet von NSN uns MA zur Schlachtbank führt. MetinIch glaube ein möglicher Weg wäre konkrete Fehlentscheidungen mit Fakten zu belegen und konkreten Verantwortlichen (mit Namen!) zuzuordnen. Wenn keine Namen bekannt sind, ist letztendlich das Executing Board (EB) verantwortlich. Jeder von uns kennt solche Beispiele. Sie müssen öffentlich gemacht werden! Das geht auch anonym, z.B. über http://www.nci-br.de/docs/kontakt.htm Am besten in Englisch, damit es auch die Analysten mitbekommen. Siemens und Nokia müssten dann die Konsequenzen ziehen.
leadership accountability
Was schreibt der Barry in seinem EBlog....... I expect to be held accountable for what I do and deliver – and everyone else should expect the same....
Na, das wäre doch was. Der NSN EB schafft sich selber ab, aus Solidarität!
Wir wissen alle das dass nicht von sich aus geschen wird, aber wir alle haben das Recht es einzufordern.
Uns schön ist es alle mal, sich vorzustellen das mal die faireniss die Oberhand gewinnt.
a) Simply because our NSN Management still didn’t recognize (even after five years), that we NSN were trying to win the Telecom-Race with only one leg (mobile business), as our competitors used both legs fix and mobile business.
b) Because our Management recognized after five years (too late!), that the matrix organisation delayed decisions, kept people from taking accountability and increased complexity in our processes and mode of operations.
c) Because ineffective transfer of responsibilities from high cost to low cost countries, as just assigning the title without ensuring that the colleagues have the required competencies and experience to cover the requested Quality and quantity of the transferred work, was just a cost saving idea and simply a too short step. But this miss-Management action destroyed very effectively any motivation on both ends of the line and created lots of additional costs and customer dissatisfactions.
d) Because micro management created a gray and foggy company culture of miss-trust between the Management and operation level. This just underlined the one-way direction the Management was communicating with the operational level, when it comes to modify or adapt our process and mode of operation to increase delivery speed and quality. This is one of the first lessons of junior Project Managers, to involve the stake holders (end users) for solution definition, else your project will never ever be successful implemented.
This is just to name some of the long list of management actions which lead us to this current crises situation.
That is why I believe this is just fair to ask our EB to contribute to the planned head count reduction to show accountability and gain back the respect of NSN employees.
regards Metin
Anonymous User hat geschrieben:
Anonymous hat geschrieben:Wie es aussieht werden unser Mütter (Siemens und Nokia) nur zu schauen wie das TOP (FLOP) Managemenet von NSN uns MA zur Schlachtbank führt. MetinEver since the beginning of the Joint Venture between Nokia and Siemens, NSN employees worldwide have been asked to take part in the Employee Engagement Survey. For four years, we have been asked the same questions and probably given the same answers. Consequently, for four years our management has been ignoring the voices of its employees – why all of a sudden are our voices so important that we receive regular emails with a reminder to participate in this useless survey. I have thought long and hard about writing this reply but in view of the current situation I have decided to voice my opinion, whether anyone listens or not. Someone asked the EB the question, “How come it takes such a big JV like NSN with so many “so called” leaders and “so called” analysts to make “so many mistakes” and still the NSN board has faith in them and not the employees. How come products which were “so hot” just a few months ago become useless whereas our competitors are making decent cash out of the same products?” The answer to this very justified question is, in my opinion, not satisfactory; you do not have to have a master’s degree in business administration to figure that one out. Where were we at the beginning of the JV? 9.8 EUR bn. turnover for Siemens Com Carrier in 2006, with + (!) 2.8 % EBIT 7.4 EU bn. turnover for Nokia Networks likewise in 2006, with approx. + (!) 4% profit. Where are we now? 12.7 EUR bn. turnover for NSN in 2010, at a profit of -686 EUR m. In other words, we still have not even achieved the total sum of the turnover of the two original companies four years after the merger. In our department, we have and always will be dedicated to our customers. Until the Com carve out in 2006 our figures were extremely good and business was literally booming. Now with all the hurdles and extra costs involved in the matrix (which, by the way, we have been asking the EB to get rid of for the last four years), our customer prices are ridiculously high and we have slowly but surely priced ourselves out of the market and lost one contract after the other. This has nothing to do with Ericsson or Huawei – NSN’s EB and corporate policies did this for them. For years we have had a competent and experienced team here who thinks nothing about working all hours to get a job done and win contracts from our esteemed customers. Now, however, it is apparent that our mother companies (Siemens and Nokia) are leading us to the slaughterhouse like old horses that have served their time and are no longer needed. Is this the way to reward your loyal and dedicated staff, dear Executive Board? Is it fair to treat us like little kids and just throw a figure of 17,000 plus in our faces without any strategy, plans or further details? Is it reasonable to expect all those employees to continue “business as usual” under these circumstances, not even knowing what our product portfolio is and what kind of business we can do? This lack of respect for the employees is utterly disgusting. Why on earth should we hard-working individuals be held responsible for years of mismanagement by our dear EB? The answer to all these questions is quite simple, no master’s degree or extra brainwork required: 1. Replace the EB with persons who do not hide behind the “matrix” and who are prepared to listen to those “in the field” and the “little guys”. 2. Give the beloved matrix and MOO back to whoever thought of it in the first place with our best regards. 3. Renegotiate with our parent companies to consolidate our workforces. 4. Let us get back to proper, successful business and prove to everyone that, “YES, WE CAN”!
Die kulturelle Statik des Landes wird verändert"! Bayerns Finanzminister Markus Söder (CSU) sorgt sich angesichts der Flüchtlingskrise um die deutsche Bevölkerung und fordert klare Linien für die Integration. Demografen fordern Zuwanderung, um die deutsche Wirtschaftskraft zu erhalten . . .
Das ist sehr theoretisch. Die Bundesarbeitsministerin hat bilanziert, dass maximal zehn Prozent der derzeitigen Zuwanderer in den Arbeitsmarkt integrierbar sind. Das bedeutet: Die Arbeitslosigkeit wird steigen, und es wird mehr Hartz-IV-Empfänger geben. Der Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland wird durch die derzeit massive Zuwanderung nicht gestärkt, sondern geschwächt.
Was halten Sie davon, den Mindestlohn abzusenken, um mehr Menschen in Arbeit zu bringen?
Ich bin kein Fan des Mindestlohns. Aber eine Absenkung des Mindestlohns für Flüchtlinge würde Arbeitnehmer in unteren Einkommensgruppen und Langzeitarbeitslose einer Billigkonkurrenz aussetzen, gegen die sie nicht bestehen können.
Fürchten Sie Verteilungskämpfe am unteren Ende der Skala?
Unsere Aufgabe ist es, gerade das zu verhindern. Beim zentralen Thema Wohnraum zum Beispiel darf man jetzt nicht nur Wohnungen für Flüchtlinge bauen. Auch Einheimische sind auf preiswerten Wohnraum in den Ballungszentren wie München angewiesen.
Wer erinnert sich noch an den? Ob sein Chef ihn nicht mehr mochte (wäre da nicht allein) - aber alles nicht so schlimm bei dem Fachkräftemangel - er findet im Gegensatz zu seinen ehem. Mitarbeitern auch mit 50plus noch was im Krähenschwarm: Ehemaliger Siemens-Chef
Löscher verlässt Renova - http://www.handelsblatt.com/unternehmen/management/ehemaliger-siemens-chef-loescher-verlaesst-renova/13463148.html - a
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