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Why does anyone have to be fired?

erstellt von Anonymous User zuletzt verändert: 16.12.2014 00:00
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Why does anyone have to be fired?

Abgeschickt von Anonymous User am 30.Januar 2014 11:09
On the 28th of January, Alan came from Neuss to tell us what the situation is. 63,5 people can stay and that the rest will have to go. So roughly half of the people here will lose their jobs in the next few months. He said the plan is no longer to close down TSC. Obviously there is still work to do and he thanked us or continuing to work in these difficult times. If we are doing a good job, why does anyone have to go? What is the actual goal of this restructuring? What is the actual goal of this restructuring? Wouldn’t it make more sense to use the people we already have and try to be more efficient this way?

Re: Why does anyone have to be fired?

Abgeschickt von Anonymous User am 30.Januar 2014 14:25
of course it would be better to try to solve the REAL problem instead of repeatedly downsizing. But apparently our management doesn't or won't see the real problem . . .

Re: Why does anyone have to be fired?

Abgeschickt von Anonymous User am 30.Januar 2014 16:19
But what is the real problem? The PC market is down, destroyed by the manufacturers itself - lowering prices to sell products must end in decrease of the revenue. And comparing each brand shows that no one is building a real unique PC (except Apple). So why should I buy a Toshiba PC? Probably most customers don´t know anything about Toshiba - or do you know any adverts? Take a look into a Saturn or Mediamarkt and you will see how Toshiba is trying to sell their products... Showing into Toshiba PC history will proof that there is no real strategy; a lot of inventions but no power to establish a new product in the market. If a business is not working, close it - that´s it what the common Toshiba employee experienced in the past.

Re: Why does anyone have to be fired?

Abgeschickt von Anonymous User am 31.Januar 2014 12:20
well, one of the problems is that Toshiba does no advertisement (and if they do the ads are bad and meaningless). Even toilet paper companies and undertakers do advertisement and they have a huge market with billions of customers... TOSHIBA overslept the markets need for tablets, phones and gadgets... but we are "leading innovation"... without having innovation and no leading... copy and paste products of HP is no innovation... also there is no strategy in our products... no "working together", no system... our management is not ACTING in the market, just REACTING, mainly hope- and helpless from one restructuring to the next... downsizing so often until nothing is left...
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