NSN Manager compliant with NSN Conduct Policy...
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01.09.2013 16:32
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NSN Manager compliant with NSN Conduct Policy...

Please refer to the below mail to find out how the NSN Line Managers treat their employees in order to follow the internal NSN Conduct Policy!!
Please note this is just the top of the iceberg of what I had to undergo with this brilliant NSN Line Mananger (my Line Manager)
please note the following : „little blind“
and at the points at the very end
is not one of your main strength areas…
NSN Line Manager Wrote
Hi X_1,
my Comment: Here NSN Line Manager plays the role of the great manager to review a document
I was following the correspondence on this subject between you and X_2 last week. So, the pain point seems to be the overall appearance of the template (language, formatting, typos,…). If I remember correctly X_3 promised to highlight the main problems? I don’t think it is fair to request Global to correct a document without being specific which parts need corrections.
my Comment: Here NSN Line Manager suggests me to buy a new pair of glasses encourages me to take the challenge and underlines my skills
I am afraid that as an owner of the document you may be a little “blind” for such issues. And, as we have often spoken, maybe written English is not one of your main strength areas…
my Comment: Here NSN Line Manager plays again the great manager and suggests the solution to correct the word document
Would it be possible for Ian and you to have a conference call to go through the problem areas? Then, I would suggest that you can do the general polishing (not language but format related) and Ian – as native English speaker - could improve the language parts. So, a shared responsibility.
BR, NSN Line Manager
Es ist und war schon immer ein Problem des englischen. Eben wenn man USA, GB oder ein anderes Englisch gewohnt ist. Die Grundlagen sind zwar die selben, nur die Nuancen können sich drastisch unterscheiden.... Aber solange ihr euch um das Wording streitet und rauft, wird die Konkurrenz schneller sein als ihr.....
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