Conditions of our Termination at Toshiba Regensburg
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28.03.2014 09:39
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Conditions of our Termination at Toshiba Regensburg

Yesterday we had a large meeting regarding the conditions of our termination of employment here at Toshiba Regensburg.
Mr. M came from Toshiba Neuss to tell us he is not willing to pay us the same amount as last time for our severance pay. That those people who left in the past were worth more than us.
Meaning we are worth-less than they were. After 20 years of working for this company now they want to be stingy with our severance pay. For them it is really not a large sum of money, but for me it means perhaps a few more months before I would have to sell my house in which my family and I live.
I guess that means for Mr. M. That I am worthless.
I personally do not understand it. They would rather give millions to outsourcers for services we don’t receive or waste millions on other bad decisions than to help the former employees find new jobs.
We are willing to leave without a problem and I am sure if Mr. M would have offered the same plan as the last 2-3 times that they threw people out he would have at least 70 people, if not all of them volunteer to go and look for work.
Perhaps there are companies out there that do not think throwing people out every time bad decisions in upper management are made is the answer.
No matter how many people you throw out over time it will not help them sell 1 more computer.
It is really sad to see that a once profitable company turn into this.
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