Verwaayen- Camus : Les Tontons Flingueurs ?
Wann |
29.05.2009 von 13:00 bis 16:00 |
Wo | Paris – Porte Maillot |
Name | Local union delegates |
Teilnehmer |
French and international unions |
Termin übernehmen |
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This demonstration will take place inside the general assembly as we did 2 years ago. It will be outside the general assembly.
The main reason for this demonstration is the opposition to the company's outsourcing strategy (IS/IT, legacy R&D, manufacturing…).
We also have 2 other reasons for the demonstration:
- Pay policy and AIP
- Resolutions 13, 14 and 15 which are going to be voted at the assembly about stock options for Ph Camus and B Verwaayen, and an extra pension for B Verwaayen.
It is a short time to organize such a demonstration. We know it will be difficult to have thousands of people as in March 2007.
The main goal is to show employees concern and to have a press coverage.
If some of you want to participate or to send a delegation, you are welcome. On the other hand, if you organize locally an action, let us know. We will speak about it in our communications.
A l’occasion de cette assemblée générale, les organisations syndicales invitent les salariés à manifester leur mécontentement et leur opposition à toute externalisation. Notre présence devant le palais des congrès sera un contre feu à la communication de la direction du groupe et montrera que nous ne sommes pas d’accord avec la stratégie qui se dessine !
Rendez vous Place de la Porte Maillot à Paris le vendredi 29 mai à partir de 13 heures !
Contactez vos délégués locaux pour les modalités pratiques.